Coaching for a
newly appointed team leader (Coaching)
A manager is promoted to take the role of a leader of a support team in
a large organization. It is a difficult task. Two of his predecessors
have quit the job within two years. He is determined to face this
challenge with the help of a management coach. His company is supporting
his idea.
In a first meeting - free of charge - he and the CORES coach delineate
the goals of the coaching. The goals are part of the coaching contract.
They initially meet six times for two hour coaching sessions over a
period of three to five weeks. During the coaching the coachee gets an
understanding of team dynamics and how to effectively deal with it.
He is aware of his role as team leader and learns how to maintain a
process of defining individual roles and tasks. With the support of the
CORES coach he is able to cope with delicate leadership issues.
Reflecting on his leadership issues widens his options of managing
difficult situations. Thus the team leader gained self-confidence and
the support of his team.