
Heinz Vetter Erich Fischer
CORES represents a network of consultants which offers you support to
implement strategies and organizational change. Our base of experience
and expertise includes change management, leadership development,
strategy and organization development and coaching.
Organizational change involves people. We focus on the human side of
change, the 'soft factors' such as interpersonal relations and mindsets.
We also include the 'hard factors,' such as processes, systems and
structures in a meaningful way. 'Soft' and 'hard factors' complement one
another and are essential for successful change.
Heinz Vetter, Ph.D.
Organizational Psychologist, M.S. in Engineering ETH
Professional Experience
- Management and organizational consultant since 1995. Wide range of
experience includes change management, project management, leadership
development, organization and team development, conflict management and
coaching. Contracts with the industrial and services sector as well as
government administration.
- Lecturer in Organizational Psychology at the Institute of Applied
Psychology (IAP/ZHAW), Zurich.
- Leading management position: established an international aide
organization in the field of sustainable energy.
- Member of the faculty of the Institute of Applied Psychology (IAP/ZHAW),
Zurich. Teacher of Human Resources Management among other subjects.
- Engineer and project manager for many years for Sulzer-Escher Wyss AG,
Zurich. Project manager of extended engineering projects for thermo turbines
for clients in Europe, China, Japan, South America and the former Soviet
Education and Training
- Continuing education as management and organizational consultant with
emphasis on Organization Development, systemic coaching, and on methods of
client intervention
- Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Zurich (1990)
- Master of Science, M.S. in Engineering with major in Industrial Engineering
from the Federal Technical Institute (ETH), Zurich

Erich Fischer,
M.A. in Organizational Psychology, M.A. in Secondary Education
Professional Experience
- Management consultant and partner at CORES since November 2001. Previously
external management consultant in California. Planned and facilitated
Organization Development projects, change projects, leadership and team
development. Coached leaders and managers.
- Teaching Management and Organizational Behavior in
English (MBA Program) at the University of Applied Sciences (HWZ),
- Project manager for the Departments of Education of the City of Zurich and
- Trainer and facilitator experience. Designed and conducted numerous
workshops and training programs in the field of communication and
Organizational Behavior.
- Managing Director of projects for unemployed professionals in cooperation
with the city administration of Winterthur and local businesses.
- Former news editor for Swiss Public Radio (DRS) and freelance journalist
focusing on third-world affairs. Publications in "Magazin des Tages
Anzeigers," "Frankfurter Rundschau," "Weltwoche".
- Cross-cultural understanding gained while living in Europe, South East
Asia and the USA.
Education and Training
- M.A. in Psychology (Organization Development)
from Sonoma State University, California.
- M.A. in Secondary Education from the University of Zurich, Switzerland
Member of the National Organization Development Network, USA.